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After iPhone, Apple is going to make AirPods and Beats headphones in India

Almost everyone knows that India is one of the leading markets in the world for smartphones. And in the past few years, our country has recently become one of the leading countries in smartphone manufacturing by producing several stunning handsets including Apple's iPhone, a world-renowned tech giant. It should be noted that although Apple's products have been sold in India for almost two decades, the American tech company started the iPhone production process in this country from 2017. However, while older iPhone versions have been manufactured in Indian factories so far, according to recent reports, the newly released iPhone 14 will also be manufactured in India, which is undoubtedly a great news. According to experts, Apple plans to make India a global iPhone manufacturing hub by 2025. But a recent report says that not only the iPhone, Now the Carpetino based tech giant is interested in manufacturing some more of their products in India. And what are they? Let's find out.

This time Apple will manufacture AirPods and Beats Headphones in India

According to a report by Nikkei Asia, Apple is now reportedly planning to start manufacturing AirPods and Beats Headphones in India. And in order to further expand the production of the company's products in this country, Apple has already started discussions with their suppliers. Needless to say, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Make in India" campaign will get a boost as a result. But let's say in this context, the production of Beats headphones in India may not start very soon, because it is known by the company that it will take some time to get the necessary equipment. But in order to get this done as soon as possible, Apple has already given strict instructions to its iPhone assembler Foxconn, which can be expected to start production of the devices as early as next year.

Chinese company to help Apple manufacture AirPods in India

Although it is a bit late to start production of Beats headphones, experts believe that the company will start manufacturing AirPods in the country very soon. According to reports, Luxshare Precision Industry, the iPhone maker's Chinese supplier, will help Apple manufacture AirPods in India. However, the report also states that the Chinese company is currently focusing on making Vietnamese AirPods. So it can be assumed that they cannot fully help Apple in making AirPods in India at present.

Why is Apple increasing its dependence on India?

After reading what I have said so far, the question must be coming to many people's mind that, day by day the importance of India is increasing for Apple? In response to this, experts say that the electronic products market in India is booming very fast, as a result of which Apple has benefited in the recent past in terms of its business prosperity. Although most of the iPhones were manufactured in China until now, many big tech companies including Apple, Google are now pushing to reduce their dependence on China as the lockdown in China's major tech hub Shanghai and many other cities due to Covid-19 has caused massive damage to the supply chain. And planning to expand their business activities to other countries. Also, since the US-China trade war came to a head, US tech companies have been gradually changing their business strategies. As a result, the company has recently decided to manufacture more products in India. And due to this, it is needless to say that another new feather has been added to the crown of India.

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